Monday, December 31, 2007
seniors cohesion
three days of FUN with the seniors
three days of sleepless nights, mahjong frenzy.
mahjong nationalism
main chef for BBQ
FAMOUS DISH: black pepper chicken fillet
Sunday, December 23, 2007
i watched a NC16 movie today!!
1870年秋,龐青雲 (李連杰 飾演) 一身江蘇巡撫的官服,在城牆頂俯瞰江蘇巡撫就職典禮舞臺;充滿理想、胸懷壯志的他,如果沒有走上這條不歸路,極可能是推翻腐敗清庭的新中國革命者之一,創大事業名留青史,可惜... 兩個強盜和一個女人改變了他的一生,造就了他的成功,亦導致他最後的毀滅。這兩個強盜是曾跟他矢誓生死與共的結拜兄弟:趙二虎 (劉德華 飾演) 和姜午陽 (金城武 飾演),而那個女人正是二虎的妻子蓮生 (徐靜蕾 飾演)。 率性而為的趙二虎,乃一條光明磊落的好漢,在亂世中淪為強盜,帶著幾百人到處劫掠,他為人盜亦有道,就算打劫也「劫七留三」,留一條活路給被劫的村民,而劫掠所得就拿來分給和他同住一條山村的良民,所以深得眾心。二虎一生人最愛兩個人,一個是蓮生,一個就是十三歲便跟了他做強盜的姜午陽,把自小成為孤兒的午陽視如親弟。 姜午陽身上有一種獨特的男人魅力,除了狼的野性和殺手的狠冷,更有著少年才有的天真浪漫;因此在他的生命中,同生共死的兄弟情義是他視如生命的永恆感情。自從在打劫太平軍糧車的一役中,龐青雲這個陌生人為替他擋箭而受了傷,令他深感救命的恩情,天生的狂熱使然,他對龐青雲的崇拜竟超過他對二虎的崇拜。 在二虎等人的山村被清軍洗劫,付出傷亡慘重的代價後,午陽極力主張他們兩兄弟和龐青雲結拜為兄弟,由龐青雲帶領他們投效清廷,二虎為了不想令午陽失望,也為了不想自己的一班兄弟陷入絕境,他不計較個人得失,願與龐青雲結義,將大哥地位拱手讓給龐青雲。 作為男人世界中的一個好大哥,二虎在女人世界中卻是一個失敗的情人,一個不合格的丈夫,濃烈的大男人熱血,令他少了那種迷住女人的浪漫魅力;他的妻子蓮生卻偏偏又是那種深信一見鍾情的浪漫主義者。所以,儘管他當年救出被賣到揚州當雛妓的蓮生,儘管他很努力的去關懷蓮生,但目不識丁的他就是沒有蓮生所喜歡的文人書卷氣,始終得不到她真心的愛。 為實現天下沒有戰爭的太平盛世理想,龐青雲借助以二虎、午陽為首的一班兄弟的力量,成立「山字營」暫時為清廷効力,原來是要借助攻打太平天國結集軍力;但是隨著他大權在握,龐青雲變得越來越野心勃勃,令他要清除一切的障礙。他不惜和二虎決裂,屠殺被二虎勸降的太平軍降兵,只為怕降兵造反。他利用午陽的狂熱性格說服他站向自己那一邊,而他最後要殺二虎,亦是一個必然的結果。 本來,龐青雲距離成功已僅有一步之遙,但他殺害兄弟二虎的作為,卻傷透了對他崇拜不已的兄弟午陽的心。就在江蘇巡撫的就職大典上,就在權勢如日中天的最輝煌時刻,龐青雲竟橫死於刺客之手…
as you can see, many see JET LI as the evil in this film but to me, he is merely a tragic hero led to his downfall by his own fate and circumstances(sound like MACBETH!). many see his murder of ANDY LAU as a stepping stone to his ambitions but i see it as a protection for his brother from the evils of the imperial courts.
the way i see is because of his expression in the same village, the expression of love and hope is not one of a murderous being. the expressions of him when someone rushed to save and and died blasting from a cannon(this scene is grosss. seriously) is irreplaceable. his rushing to save ANDY AND TAKESHI in times of danger and thinking for them all the time seems true. so in my opinion JET LI is good! he just cares DIFFERENTLY.
then ANDY, hmm, the normal hero, brave and righteous. but i think he the way he died quite not worth it. to the very end he thinks that the bad person was planning to kill his brother JET LI, while actually it was JET LI planning to kill him., this makes JET LI seem scheming in a sense as he used lowly means to kill his brother. but i guess he makes it all back as if he doesnt kill his brother, the courts will use more horrifying ways to torture ANDY who planned to mutinny. so anyway back to ANDY (sounds like my friend), he is nice. a good leader too. =) basically i like him.
TAKESHI. shuai shuai shuai is all that i can say. he is so shuai even with all the blood and killings around him. his character is just like a little boy admiring and hero worshipping his two brothers and taking their lives above his. THE way he works is just like a follower, listening to instructions and following them. but he feels. at the suchou massacre his tears really moved me. the tears filled with mixed emotions which even now i cannot put into words. He really carrys out his emotions well. yupps. TAKESHI, good actor good looks. LURBE DURBE DURBE. =)
basically i guess it is a nice film but gory and gross. the war scenes are quite scary and all. but there are also a few places that that seems funny like the war trench part that are not supposed to be there at that time in history. hmmph. but all in all i like this film lah. maybe because it is my first NC16 film i have watched since im 16 so hmm.
hmm just to add to the historical background for this film, this film is adapted from one of the cases from 清末四大奇案,刺马。the basic storyline about the brothers and the wife thing is true, yupps but there are of course changes lah. (and the part about the wife, not really interested in her so OMITTED;) somehow all the 四大奇案 has something to do with women, beautiful women. 红颜祸水 ya?!
haha thats all for now i gueess.
ta ta
lurbe durbe durbe
Monday, November 26, 2007
on that day i left St John, i passed a major milestone in my life
from there, i no longer have tons of admin to do
from there, i no longer have trainings to plan, cadets to see
from there, i no longer have excuses to see my squadmates everyday
from there, i am ALONE
i guess we will meet up but it will never be the same again.
i believe Standard 4'07 will go far together, but there is always an end
i dare not think about the end, i just wanna enjoy the present
but i fear the end will be coming soon
i just wanna write it down before the feeling goes.
no matter what i do, for st john, for anything
i feel squadish, OBFAish
i feel the support, the care
that is what pulls me through
i fear not even the darkest of the darkest hours with you all by my side
just remembering i have 21 shoulders i can cry on
i can pull through. REALLY
i may not show my emotions correctly but i know you care
and i care too