to all those who care:
yujia is allright now!
i am not angry at anyone
so dont worry abt anything sia!
the "old" yujia is now back
anyways, i went to watch 梁祝 with mak
all i can say is that the storyline a bit the diao
a bit like romeo and juliet
the starting was NICE
or at least the starting sentences were
they basically started off super well
really intrigues me
they say that there was a pair of 金童玉女under 玉皇大帝that fell in love
and 玉皇大帝wanted to punish them so 贬他们下凡to endure 十世的爱恨情仇
so they say the 金童玉女 were once 梁山伯,祝英台,and so other random names that i dont know (BUT i will find out, since they sound so nice and lovey dovey)
and yar, so i was EXPECTING.. well nothing short of the best
but the storyline remain exactly the same like the old 梁祝
but now, it is 场景is not the 书斋anymore but at 逍遥派
so that explains the 武侠part i think
then the story goes on
but many parts of the storyline remains untold
there were a lots of questions in the movie that lies mystery to me
so basically the story is just a blur
a blur that is similar to that of the original 梁祝
with an ending like romeo and juliet
the actors: wu zun and hu ge
were obviously to my liking
although wuzu's 演技a bit 差强人意 but his shuainess remains unchanged
huge is the good-guy-turned-bad here, but still as seh as ever
(one of my main questions lies with why he suddenly become good again, that is not explained)
as for Ah Sa
her voice-over sucks, i would really wanted to hear the real voice instead
either use Canto, or her not-so-accurate Chinese
(i mean wuzun also uses his not-so-accurate Chinese ma, it wouldnt matter what; although another unravelled mystery of how do those two understand each other will arise?!)
on the whole, if you wanna watch eye-candies fighting out for a girl
go on: watch the mixed-up tale of 梁祝and romeo and juliet
but the ending is so obvious that even the ever-emotional yujia and junwen pair never shed a tear.
movie review: 3 star out of 5 stars
eye-candy review: 6stars out of 5 stars [cos wuzun and hu ge are so my CUP OF TEA]
more serious stuff now
i understand that pw is a bore and a sore for all of us
but do rmb
pw can bring out the worst in people only if you wish to look at only the worst
pw can also bring about the best in people if only you wish to see the best in people
in cll古文,卢老师taught us a 先秦寓言 about a man losing his 斧头 with the morale of the story being 带着有色的眼镜usually mask our true and fair judgement
if you want to wear the pessimistic 眼镜看待事物,then obviously you will see the bad side of things
however, if you choose to wear the optimistic 眼镜看待事物, then everything will seem brighter
[although the 寓言 is not supposed to be used this way, but it somewhat speaks about the same things, i guess]
anyways, i have seen bad things happening all around in pw
and i must admit personally i could be a cause for it as well
i have seen even the closest friends fall out for pw
but one must also see the tolerance and patience behind all that eventual fall outs
i admit all ppl have flaws
so please do not be so judgemental and critical
accept those around you for who they are okay
just a lil bit of tolerance and patience will go a long way to keep things peaceful and nice
but dont bottle those anger up as well
a face to face talk would be preferred or maybe a small note or letter
bottling things up w/o telling others why wont help
and neither would back-stabbing nr bad-mouthing others
but most importantly, do your part well
this of which i think me myself might have failed in,
but i will aim to do better now for OP
reflect is the way to go
so let us all do our part and end the PW journey peacefully
i too have been angered by PW, but i think the way to solve it is thru negoitation, not confrontation.
let us now all jiayou for the last stretch, one more week only. JYJY
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